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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

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Digestive Science IBS Relief Support Treats the Causes of IBS

Did you know that it's not uncommon for people with irritable bowel syndrome to spend two hours each morning getting ready for work?
These same people often drive a specified route each morning on which they've mapped out multiple rest rooms along the way for fear their IBS symptoms will act up while they're in the car.
That's a sad state to be in. But for an estimated 20% of Americans, it's part of their daily ritual. And if you're wondering why IBS targets some people and spares others, very often it's for reasons you might not suspect.
Fortunately, you can reduce and even eliminate IBS and its awful symptoms with Digestive Science IBS Relief System. Details forthcoming! First, let's look at the causes of irritable bowel syndrome. Then, we'll look at the solution.

The Causes You've Heard About

Be aware that it's not uncommon to have sporadic symptoms of IBS. We can all relate to them on occasion, including gas, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating and irregular bowel movements.
You should also be aware that IBS can be a highly individual disorder, with triggers and causes that set off symptoms in one patient yet spare another.
Having said that, some factors appear more influential than others in causing IBS. Among the causes that are commonly linked to IBS are:
  • poor diet
  • trigger foods
  • lack of exercise
  • absence of fiber
And these are valid points. Each of these factors play a role not only in digestive health, but overall health levels and quality of life.
The thing is, if you've had IBS for a while, you know there's more at play than these lifestyle factors. If IBS has been a problem for most of your life, chances are there are more serious problems lurking in your digestive system. And they need to be treated.

What You May Have Overlooked

Lack of Stomach Acid - The digestive system can be a finicky creature. Too much hydrochloric acid can cause problems like acid reflux. Yet if there's not enough acid in your stomach, a variety of problems occur, including food allergies, constipation and diarrhea and infections in the gastrointestinal tract.
Inflammation of the GI Tract - Your digestive system is easily inflamed by factors including antibiotics, allergies, drugs and yeast infections. That's not a pleasant place to visit, because inflammation of the GI tract is linked to food intolerances, fatigue, irritability, even poor skin condition. And of course, the constipation and gas and symptoms of IBS.
Imbalanced Bacteria in the Gut - Your digestive system likes balance, and the "friendly" bacteria of the gut synthesize vitamins, assist the immune system and eliminate dangerous bacteria like salmonella. And when the bad bacteria take over, problems ensue, ranging from IBS symptoms to weight gain, chronic pain and even cancer.
None of this is encouraging news for people who suffer from IBS. But not to worry. Remember that good news we talked about? Here it is.

Digestive Science IBS Relief System Brings Real Relief

Put those traditional IBS medicines down. They might bring temporary relief, but they don't treat these overlooked causes of IBS. Digestive Science IBS Relief System does. Here's how:
ColoBalance IBS Support - You've got IBS. You want relief. The ColoBalance IBS Support supplement provides it, with a daily supplement of natural nutrients, minerals, enzymes and fibers to bring immediate relief from the pain of IBS, with a healthy balance of hydrochloric acid production and digestive enzymes. Gentle, yet effective, and the first step to treating the causes of your IBS.
Maximum Digestion Probiotic - The friendly bacteria in your gut are looking for reinforcements. You give it to them, with the Maximum Digestion Probiotic. Less gas. Less bloating. More relief from the constipation and diarrhea. You're feeling better.
Daily Digestion Support - A once-a-day daily fiber and nutrient supplement that's strategically formulated with the super-food "chia", here's where we give you the tools for ongoing digestive health and relief from your IBS. We've packed antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals to reduce inflammation of the GI tract and ensure healthy, happy digestion.
Do you see a pattern here? We think you do. Digestive Science IBS Relief System treats the causes of IBS, the well-known triggers and the often overlooked reasons for IBS, and brings lasting, healthy relief!

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